Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church​
""The Bible Way Is The Pleasant Grove Way"
C.L. Jackson, Pastor​***** Sheldon L. Jackson, Pastor​
2801 Conti Street, Houston, Texas 77020
WORD - Worship --> World
by Pastor C. L. Jackson
Mini-Lesson 2
The Big Question of Man​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him?....Psalm 8:4
Man is so unusual that he brings the Heavenly Father from the Universe to knock on our personal door.
We are trapped inside our own personal box (the body), with our own personal habitat which is our own personal enemy.
Man is shut up with his own personal germs, his own personal disease, his own personal chemicals, his own personal viruses, his own personal cancer and his own anger and bitterness.
And yet, the Rich Man (Jesus Christ) comes out of Heaven and knocks at our personal door.
These lessons will be explained on Tuesday evenings (7 pm) and at 12 noon on Wednesdays.