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WORD - Worship --> World (How God sends lovingkindness to the World)

WORD – Worship –> World (How God sends lovingkindness to the world)

There are three things of which believers must be aware:

1. Beware of dogs (Isa. 56:10)

2. Beware of evil workers (Ps. 119:115)

3. Beware of concision Phil. 3:2

We will further explain that behind the door, Jesus Christ deals with

1. Dogs (those with a dog-like nature)

2. Evil doers

3. Mutilators of flesh

We learn:

1. We worship God in the Spirit.

2. We rejoice in Christ Jesus.

3. We have no comfort in the flesh.

The full discussion of the points in this outline will be presented on Tuesday evenings, at 7 p.m., and Wednesday at High Noon.


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